Current date/time is Thu 02 May 2024, 1:06 pm

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

1. LANGUAGE TO BE USED IN POSTINGS. It is the goal of this board that all postings will be understandable by the widest audience possible, Filipinos and Non-Filipinos alike, therefore posting in 100 percent English in all area of the board is recommended. However, the use of phrases or expressions in Philippine dialects or foreign languages is allowed AS LONG AS THE MEAT OR THE MESSAGE OF EACH POST MUST BE IN ENGLISH. The use of local phrases or expressions is allowed in order for people to share their own way of expressing or reacting to certain things or ideas that in most cases are unique to their own language or dialect. In this way, this forum may also serve as a vehicle for people to learn other people's cultures or peculiarities. Anyone may ask for a translation of a particular phrase, which the concerned poster should immediately provide. If forum members want to fully converse in their own dialects, this can be done in the General Chit Chat Forum and the Philippine Politics Forum.1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension 4th offense: Banned permanently. 2. USERNAME - Forum users have the ability and the right, as they register, to choose their username. However, usernames with bad/obscene language shall be deleted on sight. Also, having two or more usernames are not allowed (This maybe difficult to prove but not impossible. Moderators will investigate suspected users with multiple handles and if proven, Moderators reserve the right to ban ALL usernames of the said member) these acts are a threat to forum harmony. Do not allow others to use your handle and do not pretend to be someone you are not.1st offense: Banned permanently3. AVATARS -Any avatars are allowed as long as it is not offensive or nude or semi nude Avatars should have a maximum height and width dimension of 120 pixels by 120 pixels, with a maximum file size of 16 kb. You may choose your avatar from the avatar gallery by going to your PROFILE. The PROFILE link can be found inside the USER CONTROL PANEL the link of which is located at the top right of each forum page once you are logged in. You may also upload your avatar to our server from your machine or from a remote location. Again the link to do this can be found in your PROFILE.1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension 4th offense: Banned permanently4. POSTS -No vulgar, obscene, bad words, pornographic, inappropriate words, images or links allowed. Posting of gross, nude or semi-nude pictures or its links are strictly prohibited. Posting senseless/pointless posts and spamming are not allowed. Posting of any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racist, harassing, obscene, profane, offensive, foul language, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, copyrighted or otherwise in violation of ANY law are strictly prohibited and legal actions can be taken against the violator. Do not discriminate any race, gender, religion, politics, etc. Do not use the forum to discuss illegal activities.1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension4th offense: Banned permanently.5. SPAMMING - Posting non-sense, no-value posts within a thread or across different threads for the only purpose of increasing one's post count is called spamming. Typical of this type of posting is to post one-word or one-liners and successively doing it for a short period of time. Another form of spamming is to blatantly advertise and promote products or websites.1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension 4th offense: Banned permanently6. MEMBER's PERSONAL PICTURES - Occasionally members will post some of their personal pictures and share them with forum friends. Photochoping as well as disrespectful and offensive comments towards member’s personal pictures are prohibited and shall be dealt with extreme disciplinary actions.1st offense: 2 weeks suspension2nd offense: 1-month suspension 3rd offense: Banned permanently7. LETTERS & SYMBOLS - Bold, huge and capital letters are used for shouting and shouting is rude. Forum users must not use capital letters, excessive question marks (?), exclamation points (!), or smileys in your title or post. Forum users must also NOT reply with only emoticons to avoid any misunderstanding.1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension 4th offense: Banned permanently8. DERAILING/HI-JACKING OF THREADS - Posting unrelated or unwanted discussions to the topic is discouraged and the moderators have the right to delete derailed posts without warning. Posts that are completely off topic will be removed and the offender shall be dealt with accordingly. This also includes posting the same message in multiple forums.1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension 4th offense: Banned permanently9. TEXT SPEAK - Avoid using Text Speak in the forum. Text Speak has been popularized by cellphone users to communicate with each other using trimmed and shorted words. Avoid using Text Speak in the forum as it will only create confusion. Text Speak example: Txt Spk hs bn pplrzd by clfon usrs to cmunc8 wt ech otr usng trmd & shr8d wrds. Avd usng Txt Spk n d frm as 8 wil only cr8 cnfsn.1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension10. FLAMING - Do not flame, retaliate, threaten, air your grievances or use the forum as a place to settle disputes. "Flaming" is a computer term that refers to directing abusive and insulting messages to another forum user. This will not be tolerated. While we try to allow people to voice their opinions, we do not want to see posts that offend other forum members. This also applies to defamation. Forum users must help keep flame wars under control - If someone makes a personal comment against the user, he or she must not reply in kind. Likewise, those who agree or disagree with the personal comment must also not reply to prevent further reactions. Instigators and those who replied in similar manner shall both be given sanctions. Replying to instigators shall NEVER be an excuse. Instead they must report troublesome posters to moderators including the link to the post being complained.1st offense: Warning2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension 3rd offense: 1-month suspension 4th offense: Banned permanently11. SIGNATURE - We only allow one-liner or multi-liner signatures intended as a tagline in good taste and not vulgar or offensive. No images or links. BBCODEs are allowed.1st offense: Warning2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension3rd offense: 1-month suspension4th offense: Banned permanently12. FORUM CATEGORIES - Posters are required to start new threads or topics under its proper category or forum. Please double check the forum title where you are posting before making a post. Moderators reserve the right to move, lock or delete topics posted in the wrong forum. Habitual posting in the wrong forum maybe a ground for suspension/banishment from the site.1st offense: Warning2nd offense: 2 weeks suspension3rd offense: 1-month suspension4th offense: Banned permanently13. MODERATORS - Moderators won't catch every violation, problem posts and problem posters so please report all your complaints by clicking on the ‘REPORT THIS POST BUTTON’ found beside the QUOTE BUTTON located at every message/post area. You may also send a PM to any of the moderators for this purpose. The moderators reserve the right to edit, delete, lock and move any post/thread as may be necessary under the circumstances. Mods can make special rules for special cases, whenever they deem necessary, as long as it does not violate any of the existing forum rules. If a member feels that a moderator has committed a mistake and he wants to plea his case, he should PM that Mod or any other Mod and explain his side. The issue will then be taken up by the Moderators in their own private forum where they discuss and vote on many issues affecting the Forum.14. Any violation of the above rules may result in warnings or immediate banishment of the violator from the Forums. Penalties for disciplinary offenses shall, in general, fall within the ranges indicated. In certain circumstances, depending on the gravity and/or nature of the offense, a penalty may either be more or less severe than what is indicated herein. Moderators may ban/suspend members even without warning if they find the violation too excessive. These rules are subject to modifications, revisions, and/or amendments in the future, as the moderators deem fit and necessary.GENERAL GUIDELINES1. RESPECT - Show respect for others' views & opinions and they'll respect you.2. NEWBIES - Treat newbies with respect and help them get acquintated with the ins and outs of the forum. Never bully our new members. Remember you were also once a newbie in this site.3. BEHAVIOR - Forum users must adhere to the same standards of behavior online that they follow in real life - If the user wouldn't say it to someone's face then he or she shouldn't say it on the forums. Forum users must be forgiving of other people's mistakes - Nobody is perfect.4. FORUM RULES - Respect the Forum Rules. It is the only thing that keeps us from total chaos. Never assume that your number of posts or being a member of this site for a long time is your ticket to special privileges, although the history of posters such as his/her good standing will sometimes be considered by mods in few cases when rendering their judgement. All members are equal and should abide by the forum rules regardless of number posts and the date they joined the site.